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Composition:1-Duties Of A Student

Duties Of A Student

Student life is indeed the time for preparation for future life. The future of a student depends largely on how he utilizes this.  To ensure a brighter and successful future, a student has to perform some duties most enthusiastically.  The first and foremost duty of a student is to study. A student has to acquire the best knowledge of the subjects he reads and make brilliant results in all exams. Slide by side with their studies,a student has to participate in various co-curricular activities like scout,debating,writing in magazines,etc. He can teach the illiterate people in his spare time. He can teach them on family planning,nutrition,morality etc.
A student has to cultivate  the habit of good manners and etiquette. He should be polite, courteous and respectful to the elders and treat the youngsters with love & affection . He has to develop the habit of truthfulness ,sincerity and honesty and keep himself aloof from bad companions. The next important duty of a student is to build a sound and healthy body. He has to make himself physically fit so that he may work tirelessly for society in future.  A person of ill-health is a liability to his citizen . He should be aware of social rules and should abide by them properly.
The other important duty of a student is to get involved in social services. He should always be sympathetic and helpful towards the needy and the helpless. During disasters, such as flood and take part in the humanitarian activities.
To put it in a nut-shell ,the duties of a student are those that will help him grow up as a worthy citizen of the country in all respects . He should cultivate all other qualities so that he can carry out his duties properly and lead the nation towards peace and prosperity.

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