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Completing Story:8-The Scholar and The Boatman

The Scholar and The Boatman:

There was a poor boatman in a village. He used to row boat from morning till evening to meet his both ends. One day,  a scholar got on his boat. The scholar was the only passenger in the boat. It was the beginning of the summer season. The boatman set sail and the boat was advancing smoothly.  The scholar said to the boatman,  "Did you read history?" The boatman said, "No, I am illiterate. "The scholar told him that without any knowledge of history one-fourth of his life was spoiled. He looked at the beautiful scenery and asked again whether he had read geography. As before the reply of the boatman was in the negative. This time the scholar said that one half of the boatman's life was spoiled. Then they were silent for some time. It was afternoon. The scholar broke the silence and said to the boatman, "Do you know anything about science?" He replied in the negative. The scholar said to him that his life was of no use. Three-fourths of his life was spoiled. Hearing this, the boatman remained silent. All of a sudden, the sky became covered with dark clouds. The "nor'wester" began to blow in the form of a storm.  The scholar was very much frightened. This time the boatman said to him, "Sir, do you know how to swim?" The scholar replied in the negative in a pitiful voice. The boatman said, "The boat is going to sink. Now I see, the whole of your life is spoiled. Your bookish knowledge is of no use.

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