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Paragraph:6-A Day Labourer

A Day Labourer:

A day labourer is a person who does heavy and unskilled manual work. He is usually employed in agricultural or construction work. So, he needs more strength than skill. He works hard from morning to evening, but he is ill-paid at the end of the day. He cannot meet his bare necessaries of of life with his scanty income. A day labourer usually lives in slum and leads a very miserable life with his family members. Through he works hard and engages himself for the whole day long, he cannot earn more than his needs. Whenever he can earn a little bit more, his joy knows no bounds. He buys delicious food and enjoys a good meal with his family. During harvest, his work is in great demand and he earns more. But when there is less or no work,  his sorrows know no bounds. Sometimes,  he has to starve with his family. Actually,  in  respect of work,  a day labourer has no choice. Sometimes, he is seen coming out of his house with a spade and basket.
Sometimes, he works in the field, in construction projects, digs soil, breaks bricks, etc. At the end of his work, he gets his payment and becomes very happy. He tries to save something from this. But when he gets no work, his life is stake. So, the life of a day labourer is not an unmixed happiness. As he is an unskilled labourer, his wage is very low and he lives below the poverty line. We can ensure them a better life if we increase their wages. We can teach them about health, nutrition and sanitation. Alongside these, the government should make special arrangement for them so that they can buy their daily necessaries at cheaper rates. It should also provide them with pure water, electricity,  etc. It should give their children special facilities in the process of making their children properly educated and good citizen of the country

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