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Completing Story: 11-The Noble Courage of a Girl.

The Noble Courage of a Girl

Rajina was an SSC examinee. One day she was studying at dead of night. She felt boring.  So, she went to balcony to remove her boredom.  Suddenly she was that smoke was coming out from a nearby tinshed house. She was afraid, But as an intelligent girl, she realized that the fire only started and could not yet assume a violent form. Instantly she cried out "Fire! Fire! Please come and help!" The sleeping people around the area got out of their respective houses and noticed the smoke. Without any delay they rushed to the spot. By this time those who had been sleeping in the tinshed house peacefully and unaware of the fire which was about to be violently destructive woke up. However, the people who assembled there set to fighting against the fire. They struggled hard against the fire. There was a pond nearby. They took bucket, various pots from their respective houses and began to throw water continuously on the house set on fire. Happily, they did not have to fight for a long time. Within about half an hour they were able to extinguish the fire. Then the people came to Rajina and thanked her for her timely wise action. The owner of the house and his wife burst into tears out of great grattitude to Rajina and those who saved them from such a great danger. Rajina told them that it was a good luck for them that she could notice the fire and get the people assembled in time. She added that she only carried out her right duty at that moment.

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