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Completing Story:4-A Devastating Fire in a Cottage

A Devastating Fire in a Cottage

Last Monday, I went to bed at 11 pm and slept a sound sleep. Suddenly, I woke up at about 2 am when I heard a hue and cry at a little distance. I got up from bed and saw that a cottage was burning in front of our house. I found many people who were trying to put out the fire. They were carrying water in barrels and other containers. The people who were trapped inside the cottage, were crying loudly for help and the local people were trying heart and soul to rescue them from the house. The fire was spreading gradually. After some time, a young man entered the house and rescued a baby which was unconscious. We informed the fire brigade. After half an hour, the fire brigade reached the spot with water pipes and rescue materials. The firefighters then started fighting to extinguish the fire. After one hour, they brought the situation under control. But they could not save the lives of three persons who were burnt badly and died on the spot. I felt very sad for them and returned home with a heavy/saddened heart.

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