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Completing Story:5-A Dreadful Call at Midnight from an Unknown Number

A Dreadful Call at Midnight from an Unknown Number.

It was late at night. I was taking preparation for my upcoming examination. All the members of my family were sleeping. All of a sudden, my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I got frightened to see the unknown number on the screen calling me at dead of night. However, with a trembling hand. I received the call. The voice was quite unfamiliar to me. The unknown caller talked to me for Two minutes threatening me to report at Rajpur Bridge day after tomorrow at 1:00 pm with a cash amount of taka 1 lakh. The voice further threatened me to report there alone and if I fail, I will be shot to death. I was simply trembling with fear. Nevertheless, I recorded the voice and then woke my parents up. I disclosed everything to them. My father a brave and wise person, told me to be normal.  Actually, he was not supposed to give in to such a threat. He assured me that he would take proper action against the criminals. Next morning,  I accompanied by my father, went to our local thana and filed a suit. The OC of our thana also assured us of an effective action against the criminals.  My father also informed our Member of Parliament. He also asked the local thana to arrest the criminals as early as possible. The detective police rightly identified the mobile number and eventually could come out successful in arresting the criminals. The criminals were tried in the court and were awarded life long imprisonment with a fine of 2 lakh taka.

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