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Discipline may be defined as strict obedience to certain rules and regulation. Discipline in life is something like a capital without which no progress and prosperity can be achieved.
Discipline is prevalent all over in nature.The heavenly bodies move in order;the night follows the day and vice versa.If there had been no discipline, there would have been chaos in nature.
Discipline is taught in schools and colleges.The students have to follow certain codes of behaviour whether reading or playing.Much of a man's success depends on his disciplined activities. A well-disciplined life is a successful life.Discipline should be maintained at all costs in the institutions.The students must be disciplined.
Strict discipline is maintained in army. Discipline is the essential condition of army life and without this the whole nation may be in danger.An ill-disciplined regiment may bring defeat while a disciplined group is sure to achieve victory. They are used to obey the orders of their officers even at the cost of life.
Discipline is valued in games and sports and the win or defeat of a team depends on how the players are trained .The order of the skipper must be obeyed .That is the lesson of true sportsmanship.

The importance of discipline cannot be overemphasized.In all organizations- religious, political,economics ,social or educational- rules and regulations must be observed. Life without discipline is a ship without rudder.It is an essential precondition for the growth of society and spread of civilization.

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