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Completing Story:2-The Ready Wit of a Boy

The Ready Wit of a Boy

One sunny morning a boy of eleven years was tending cattle by the side of a railway line.Suddenly he noticed that a small railway slipper was about to collapse. Somebody might have removed the rail track and within a second, he thought that railway driver might not be aware of the break and surely there might be an accident. Just at that moment he heard a whistle of train. He noticed that a passenger train was coming. The clever boy instantly put off his red shirt and began to wave it continously.The driver of the train noticed the red signal and stopped the train.He along with some passengers got off the train and came to the boy to know the reason of his displaying red signal.Then the boy showed them the faulty rail line.The driver was very frightened to notice the dangerous condition of the rail track.Realizing the importance of the signal,he expressed his deep gratitude to the boy.He along with the passengers thanked the boy again and again for saving their lives.

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