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Paragraph:3-Food Adulteration

Food Adulteration

Food adulteration means making food or drink polluted by adding or mixing another substance to itit.Nowadays,foods are very often adulterated,in hotels and restaurants stale and rotten foods are mixed with fresh food and served to the customers.Fish and vegetables are adulterated by mixing chemicals and other preservatives in order to make them look fresh.Bakery and confectionery products are also prepared by using toxic substances and thus they get adulterated.Junk food contains harmful chemicals.Even fruits, milk and beverages are also adulterated.In fact,all kinds of food and food articles are adulterated by dishonest and greedy businessman and shop keepers for quick and unearned profit.Actually, the range of adulteration activities is very large.The persons who adulterate foods are cruel and devoid of conscience.They do not think how much harm they are doing to the consumers .They adulterate food without the least hesitation or torment of conscience.So,they use formalin in fish and fish products to preserve for a long period of time ,use urea in field rice to make it more white and large,add olemargrain or lard to butter and ghee. They also use artificial colorants in juices and drinks.This is the reality in the field of food adulteration. Adulterated foods are a serious health hazard.They cause many fatal diseases and even death .By eating or drinking these food items,people succumb to untimely death.Because these foods cause problem of heart, liver ,kidney bone,etc.Public awareness should be created so that they become careful about buying foods and food articles.Besides ,the criminals have to be identified and punished.The relevant departments of the government should remain ever vigilant against food adulteration and gear up their activities. They must strictly monitor the market regularly and give exemplary punishment to the culprits. 


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