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Composition:4-Floods In Bangladesh

Floods in Bangladesh:

Bangladesh is a land of natural calamities. Storms ,cyclones,tornadoes,tidal bores,etc.are very common.Floods visit us almost annually. The outside world knows us for our floods.Floods generally appear during the monsoon.Some big rivers such as the Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna flow through our country. Most of them come from the Himalayan regions. When the snows melt or there is too much of rainfall there, the flood takes place. Sometimes local heavy and incessant rainfall cause floods. Another important cause of the flood is the silting of river beds.
Ordinary floods are necessary for our country. They bring silt which makes our land fertile. They also serve the purpose of irritation. But too much flood is dangerous. It washes away crops, destroys houses, kills animals and human beings. People take shelter on high land, house-tops or trees. There is scarcity of food and drinking water. Roads, railway line etc. are damaged or they go under water. So, communication suffers a lot. Economics activities come to a standstill and there is heavy loss of wealth and property. 
Flood leaves behind widespread devastation. There is a dearth of pure drinking water. Massive damage of crops results in famine. A large number of human beings and animals die of starvation. In fact, the after-effect of flood is more terrible. The flood of 2014 is an example of the most terrible flood in recent years.
Flood in an agricultural country like ours have often been looked  upon as beneficial. Floods leave on the submerged areas a rich alluvial deposit, that greatly increases the fertility of soil which results in bumper crops. Besides, it also washes away the garbage that accumulates on the surface of the earth.
During floods, people come forward to help the suffers.They are given relief materials by charitable people, different organizations and by the government. Many countries in the world also extend their helping hands for the victims.
A definite scheme should be adopted to control the flood effectively. Proper dams and embankments should be constructed so that the water of the rivers cannot rise above the danger level. Obstacles to the natural flow of water should be removed. The silted-up beds of the rivers have to be excavated for carrying more water. Unless the catastrophe is controlled, our development is impossible.

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